On October 6, 2017 Darius Moore, a CCA Football star, took a knee during the Star Spangled Banner. A tragic incident had occurred within his family, so he quietly knelt for all those who struggle to find justice in our land of the free. His actions were not met with understanding. Instead, Darius was targeted by his classmates. Better Way Forward exists to uplift those who have the courage to peacefully follow their hearts in support of belonging, accessibility, justise, equity, diversity and inclusion.
In that spirit, the Darius Moore Scholarship was created. It is given to a student or students who self-identify as a member of a Federally Protected Class. A graduating student whose kindness and awareness of others stands out as exemplary is eligible. There is no GPA requirement. The student must simply have plans to continue their education in a two or four year college, university, or technical school.